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Registration Process

We are trying to locate as many of the Class of ’74 as possible for the present 50th Anniversary Event weekend and other future events.

Update: - As of June 4, 2024 TICKETS ARE SOLD OUT!


  1. If you were or should have been, in the Class of 1974 at Prince George Senior Secondary School, please fill out the form which will be sent to the Alumni Members Committee for vetting.

  2. Once it has been established that you are indeed an Alumni and wish to attend the event, your name and email address will be forwarded to the Registration Committee. 

  3. An introductory letter will be sent to you from the Event Treasurer’s email address to notify you that we have your information and that a Registration Document will be sent.

    • Your Registration Document will contain Hotel contacts at the COAST Prince George Hotel by APA, (aka Inn of the North) for a discounted room rate.

    • The price of the ticket(s) for you only, or if you’d like to bring a guest. 

    • The Registration Document explains what has been planned for both Friday and Saturday evenings.

    • There is a link included in the Document that will take you to the Registration form that you will need to fill out and submit to the Event Treasurer along with your payment for the cost of your ticket(s).

Many other, no/low-cost events to fill the days from Friday to and including Sunday are in the planning stages.  You will hear more about these as the Event Committees work their magic.

Can you help us?

June 14th fast approaches.  The crack team of Forensic Investigators assembled by the PGSSS 50th Anniversary Team needs your help in finding our friends.  We have found more than 60% of us.  What about the others?  Here is where you will assist.

Our goal is to invite as many of the official Class of '74 or Would Have Been Class of '74 as we can.  If you remember a pal from Grade 11 or earlier who should have Graduated with us but did not, for any reason, we want to hear about them also.

If you have any clues on how to find any person named, please use the Registration Form to provide us with the details

Alumni List 

A Alcorn, Colin Alexander, Margaret Anderson, Lenore Andres, Debbie Andrist, Vickie Antosko, Donna Apps, Darlene Archibald, Gary Armstrong, Lynne Arnold, Darlene Ashton, Elizabeth Aubrey, Ellen Aughey, Sean Aulak, Grenville B Badgley, David Bailey, Graham Ballywich, Doug Barker, Wesley Barnes, Greg Barry, Sean Baynes, Glen Beaulac, Jackie Beaulieu, Richard Behm, Thomas Belanger, Sheila Bell, Arlene Bell, Linda Bellanger, Sheila Berard, Beth Berezanski, Laura Beznochuk, Sherry-Anne Bigelow, Karen Birch, Jerry Black, Herb Blackwell, Rick Bond, Catherine Bonner, Doug Boulton, Brian Boulton, Brian Bowman, Louise Bowolin, Della Bressette, Robert Brophy, Jan Brown, Linda Brown, Steven Burgess, Margie Burkett, Cathy C Campbell, Sharon Caron, David Cassino, Tino Castle, Bill Castle, Gary Castonguay, Urbin Ceal, Leonard Cherris, Leann Chevrette, Doris Chong, Greg Christensen, Kathrine Christensen, Karen Christenson, Lyle Church, Roxanne Collins, Maureen Corbett, Lawrence Corbett, William Cordiner, Nanette Cormier, Michael Cosh, Dan Cox, Brenda Cracknell, Elizabeth Cruz, Larry D Dahl, Connie Dalman, Ken Damani, Nuzaralp Dang, Fay Davey, Garry Davidson, Susan Davie, Pat Dean, Doug Dean, James Dermody, Gary Derose, Yvonne Dickson, Dennis Dittaro, Michael Dodson Dobson, Norm Dolan, Pat Downey, Dean Ducharme, Charlotte Dunbar, Dale Dunkley, Terry Durran, Ricky Dyck, Jim E Eaton, Cynthia Eaton, Eric Ebert, Ken Edwards, Eileen Edwards, Rick Edwards, Susan Ellington, Colette Ericson, Gail Esau, Ken F Fewster, Doreen Filliatrault, Wayne Finke, Rosemarie Foreman, Bruce Foreman, Bryan Fournier, Lori Fraser, Louise Freindorf, Catherine Fricke, Gerd Friesen, Annette G Gaddy, Lance Gagne, Dale Galbraith, Susan Gale, Cheryl Gallant, Denise Gallo, Judy Giesinger, Pat Gilmore, Anne Glenn, Debra Gould, Lindsey Goyer, Elaine Graham, Donna Graham, Judy Grier, Ernest Guenther, Carol H Hackworth, Colin Hagel, Kenneth Halsey, Allyson Handley, Greg Hanna, Leslea Hannam, Wendy Hanson, Brian Harding, Leslie Ann Hargrave, Joseph Harris, Betty Harris, Sandy Harrison, Margie Hawkins, Maria Hayward, Velayn Heger, Rose Henry, Leslie Herbert, Bob Herbert, Ron? Herrick, Rheen Hilde, David Rodney Hinchcliffe, Eva Hines, Debbie Hines, Susan Hoff, Sharon Hogan, Theresa Hough, Stephanie Houghton, Colleen Huene, Tee Hunter, Philip JK Jansen, Christine Jansen, Nita Janzen, Michael Janzen, Mike Jeffery, Doug Johnson, Marlene Johnson, Patricia Johnson, Rob Johnston, Peter Jones, Carol Jones, Karen Jones, Marlene Jor?on, Kne Joul-Anderson, Karen Joy, Vicki Joyce, Cheryl Kamprath, Fritz Kendall, James Kenzie, Terry King, Russell Kissner, Thomas Koemm, Peter Korbutiak, Marlene Kovacevic, Ivan Kovacic, ??? Elizabeth Kreklyvich, Doug Kristian, Bonnie Kronebusch, Dennis Kuzyk, Denise L Lacusta, Leslie Lafavor, Margaret Laferdy, Laurel Lamb, Chris Laracque, Rick Larson, Donna Larson, Randy Law, Katherine Lawrence, Rod Ledgerwood, Randy Leepart, Leola Lennie, Pat Lenny, Lori Lewis, Kevin Lloyd, Michael Lorenz, Harold Lupel, Randy Luthi, Jacob Lyle, Stan Lynnes, Susan M MacDonald, John Madill, Robert Madland, Wayne Maier, Kim Mallia, Kathleen Mansfield, Carl Mantai, Meike Marchant, Len Masear, Patricia May, Karen McArthur, Ian McCormick, Maria McCuaig, Daniel McDonald, Leslie McDougall, Holly McDowell, Caroline McGill, Debbie McIntyre, Bill McKay, Bob McKirdy, Stuart McLaren, Doug McLean, Cheryl McMartin, Will McQuaig, Dan Meda, Sharon Merasty, Sherry Meyer, Linda Middleton, Debbie Mierau, Susan Miller, Debbie Miniaci, Tony Mitchell, Steve Moffat, Angus Moffat, John Mombouquette, Debbie June Monsen, Cynthia Moore-Stevens, Carolyn More, Bert Morgan, Candace Morris, Bob Motiuk, Albert Mould, Suzanne Muriou, Susan Murray, Danny Mushaluk, Elaine NO Nadeau, Linda Naga, John Nagy, Frank Neilsen, Bjarne Nelson, Dan Neurauter, Helen Newell, Michele Nieke, Rosemary Nordli, Dennis Orser, Sheldon Orydzuk, Mary Orydzuk, Sylvia Osmack, Peter Otsig Ostig, Arlene P Page, Trudy Pain, Janis Palmer, Brad Parker, Karen Parker, Perry Patterson, Colin Patterson, Gail Patterson, Patty Pattinson, Debbie Paul, Naomi Peacock, Allan Penner, Catana Penner, Teresa Pereira, Jacky Perley, Keith Perre?, Linda Pesserl, Debbie Pinkney, Lynn Plant, Cheryl Porik, Jim Posnik, Diana Postma, Pieter QR Quines, Ronald Rahn, Ann Ramsay, Don Rancourt, Jeanne Rapson, Gordon Rasmussen, Peter Rasmussen, Wayne Reid, Diana Reid, Judy Reimer, Karen Rigler, Karen Roberts, Cal Roberts, Sandy Rogers, Karen Rohn, Bryce Rosberg, Don Rose, Bill Roux, Robert Roy, Tim Ruegg, Kathy Rupcic, Jadranka Rutherford, Robin S Sabiston, Bob Sall, Harbans Salter, Ken Sample, Elizabeth Sarver, Anita Sawatsky, Nettie Sbitney, Lena Schell, Marius Schermerhorn, Lonnie Schick, John Schick, Kelly Schlitt, Carol Schlitt, Edwin Schlitt, Richard Schmaltz, Allen Schneider, Mark Schwartz, Thomas Schweda, Karen Scully, Kelly Ann Shaw, Brian Shawara, Deborah Shea, Brenda Shields, Debbie Shipley, Cindy Sidsworth, Barb Siemens, Gloria Siller, Virginia Simpson, James Singh, Prakash Sitoski, Gerald Smith, Dawn Smith, Paul Spracklin, Linda Stairs, Tim Stanley, Delbert Stanley, Linda Stanley, Robert Stelfox, John Stewart, Dixie Stuve, Mark T Talkington, Gerald Tassell, Linda Temple, Sandra Terry, Neil Thibodeau, Barb Thompson, David Thompson, Fiona Thompson, John Thomson, Susan Tomlinson, Lynn Trowsdale, William Tsatsos, Nicke Tsoukala, Tina Turgeon, Bernadette Turski, Lydia UV Urader, Aelene Utz, Bev Utz, Glenda Van Stoke, Gerald Van Tine, Margareete Vandekooi, Hank Vaughn, Sheila Veitch, Brian Vogler, Victoria Voth, Janet Vukovick, Bob WYZ Walpner Waldner, Brian Wandler, Charlene Ward, Deborah Weaver, Jonathon Wercheuke, Grant Westerveld, Jeanette Westfall, Donna White, Jean White, Stephen Whitwick, Roy Wickes, Maureen Wiens, Doug Wikelund, Giselle Williams, Sharon Wilson, Gordon Wilson, Karen Winters, Lynda Wolczuk, Linda Wolfram, Jerry Wong, Wen Wood, Garth Wood, Tricia Work, Darlene Wright, Kenneth Wunderlich, Gary Wylie, Piers Yardley, Rick Zawaski, Nettie Zazulak, Antonia

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